all instruments, vocals, mixing, mastering etc.
by Brendan Sloan, april 2023 - march 2024. at home.
artwork by Joshua Christie / Jay White Art ("Friend & Lover", 2021)
additional design work by Lev Sloujitel
compositions and arrangements by Brendan Sloan
DNA of Peter Kossen featured in the bass part to "inner oceans"
equipped by: Bondi Effects, MI Audio, Electrical Guitar Company, Fryette, obstructures, Mayones, Ibanez and Harvester.
if thing or process interests you, i encourage you to find and talk to me
love and gratitude:
Hannah - words cannot begin. my heart.
Lev & Helm - thank you endlessly, my brothers.
Peter, Robin, Lewis, Dan - devastante bandoleros del muerte.
Khalil, Ahmed, Gabriele, Mika, Simon, Miguel, Charlie.
Nick & Morgan - Luv u. Diploid. Doug, Steve, Dylan and Erik.
V and Fossil + Lization. Paulo, Andre and Tonhão. Sauron.
Blake. Zach. Marie. Jon. McMaster & Lev.
KP & Nath. Chris, James, Josh & Ian. markov.
James, Cam, Ryan, Jack, Lukas. Ethan, Campos and Joe.
Dan Fucking Swanö. Oceansize. A⁵.
hundreds more who have shared their lives and passions with me.
i am who and what i am because of you.
thank you all.
we are connected.
in loving memory of K. G. Bartlett