Album artwork for occhiolism
Artwork by
Corey Lyons
exploding shards / shattered grid
exploding shards / shattered grid
you might hear the sun and rest
ragenap/joel berk - bass vi, effects dathon/corey lyons - bass vi, effects

recorded august + november 2023

edited, mixed, mastered by corey lyons spring 2024


May 5th, 2024
2 tracks
debut album from ragenap+dathon, an all bass vi drone/ambient duo

ragenap (joel berk) and dathon (corey lyons) have been quietly incubating their double-bass vi duo quietly over the last year or so, with a couple of stealthy releases floating around the internet already. occhiolism is their first physical release and will celebrate the first time the duo has played together live in front of an audience on May 10, 2024. these sounds were recorded over a few sessions in the fall of 2023, and later give the 'bitches brew' treatment - edited, spliced, and pasted back together into two 20 minute sound journeys. warm, deep drones, crunchy textures, and a thick coating of psychedelia promise to sooth your soul and let your busy mind drift away.


“ A lot of great music gets released on Bandcamp Fridays and I could never hope to cover even a fraction of it, but here’s some notable things that have come through my various feeds that I feel could use some further examination by adventurous ears. This week there’s a lot of Chicago action. I’ve never been there but it’s a city that has produced an inordinate amount of my favorite modern music…

First Impressions

May 15, 2024

Two Chicago underground mainstays in Joel Berk and Corey Lyons come together to wring a kind of histrionic ambience from their six-string basses. Over these two longform pieces, the desert plain sounds of Daniel Lanois dragged along a virtual dirt track of digital debris come to mind, as does the idea of Michael Rother guitar burnouts, wailing long after Klaus Dinger had left the studio. Set to an ominous simmer, this is delicately stirred so as not to bubble over.