All songs written, recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by Harbiter
Blinded In Chains
This is my first work. As I'm pretty new to electronic music, you must know that these songs are actually some kind of electro alternative covers of the songs I've written with my former band Scyther. Having such songs already written and defined helped me a lot experimenting with synths and new sounds (for me) and not having to start from zero.
I took the main guitar riffs of those songs and brought them into this hybrid genre between coldwave, ebm, industrial and metal. It's been a perfect practicing field for me - even for mixing and mastering the songs by myself - and I'm really proud of the result.
This is just the beginning of Harbiter's story of redemption and revenge, leading the Invisibles of the night, the oppressed, against the powerful ones, to change their life and bring the power back in the hands of people.
To rise from the blinding dark towards the light of freedom. To break the chains of an imposed system and feed your dreams with the fire of your passion. Don't give up. Feed your inside riot to live a meaningful life. A life that is meaningful for yourself. Not your country; not your boss; not who doesn't care about you.