I want to extend a huge thank-you to all of the musicians who took the time to create remixes of Cruising Altitude. It was really exciting to see such an enthusiastic response, and these remixes are an incredible showcase of talent from musicians around the world. Links for each participating artist are below. Check them out and support them if you can!
Remixers (in order of appearance):
BenjiTracks (AKA Shamilion) (https://linktr.ee/icanhasbeats)
Logickal (https://logickal.bandcamp.com/)
AX MADWICK (https://axmadwick.com/)
METHEWS (https://methews.bandcamp.com/)
On Idyl (https://linktr.ee/on_idyl)
Temperhythm (https://temperythm.bandcamp.com/album/tropicalia)
Toys in the Static (https://pinebox.bandcamp.com/)
Shadow Copy (https://shadowcopy.bandcamp.com/)
Towers of Dismay (https://open.spotify.com/artist/1JdVUxFFjVP3iqFXQyI5g8)
Matthew Wolf (https://on.soundcloud.com/Gxxv9dfYrmmNz5qB9)
Ed Herbers (https://linktr.ee/herbersmusic)
Cruising Altitude (Seatbelt Sign Remix) uses the sample "Plane Flight Safety Announcement (part 1).wav" by ajwphotographic from https://freesound.org/people/ajwphotographic/sounds/497189/