Enemies Keep Dropping Gold And Useful Items Even Though They Don’t Anywhere To Store It And It Happens All The Time
Enemies Keep Dropping Gold And Useful Items Even Though They Don’t Anywhere To Store It And It Happens All The Time
A Random Lord Invited Me To Participate In A Tournament And There’s a 100% Chance It’s A Trap But Apparently It'll Further My Storyline
Why Bother Having A Dialogue Tree If I’m Just Going To End Up Doing The Quest Anyway?
“Grinding On Slimes” Means I’m Killing Them For Loot And Has Very Little To Do With Sexual Gratification
“You Have My Hammer,” Says The Town's Most Painfully Incompetent Blacksmith
The Vengeful Carline Isn’t Speaking In Riddles, She Just Had A Stroke
I’m Willing To Speak With Every Single Townsperson Just To Make Sure None Of Them Say Anything Remotely Useful
When I Said I’d Slay The Giant I Thought He’d Be Kind Of Big But Not, Like, “A Towering Monolith Rising From The Earth What Might Touch The Gods”-Big
“Champion” Is Just A Fancy Word For “Bootlicker”
I Do Not Think Looting Every Cromlech And Burial Mound I Encounter Affects My Alignment, No
This Dungeon Wasn't Very Hard To Escape In Spite Of What The Ominous Voice Kept Saying
Searching Through Bushes, Bookshevles, And Jars Is My Passion
It Is Pitch Black. I Am Likely To Take A Nap

Written and performed by Z. Emerson Weston
Mastered by Tom Gaffron

Penitence of the Shitty Wizard

Low Cunning

February 1st, 2024
13 tracks

Welcome to the third cannonical adventure of the Shitty Wizard, the arrogant and inept ostensible protector of Annwvyn.

Everyone's least-favorite mage is really pushing the boundaries of good taste at this point! Lord Hubbard the Kind, having lost his entire family to gross mystical incompetence, seized the Hinterwürld throne and issued this proclamation: any man, woman, or beast who slays the Shitty Wizard shall be granted governance over Annwvyn. Now our protagonist must stay one step ahead of the Grim Dragon Asmodæus, Be'lilth's zealous paladins, dedicated knights of the Incarnadine Sect, and anyone else he's fucked over in a quest to please King Hubbard the Baleful.

Supporters are saying
Ed Herbers

Ed Herbers

I love the song titles! Low Cunning has crafted a unique and compelling sound on this album (I was also very impressed to learn that it's mostly guitar-based--I could have sworn this was made on old computer hardware).