All sales from the digital version and proceeds from later physical editions will be donated to pro-refugee organizations and causes.
All music, lyrics and instruments peformed by Ayloss.
Recorded, mixed and mastered in the Stellar Auditorium by Ayloss, 2022-2023. Remastered by Nidstag Studios.
Cover by Christina Chrysanthopoulou.
Guest Performances by
Nate Collins (synths, electronics, vocals on tracks 2 & 4)
Odile Aurora Strik (synths on track 3, synth and field recording on track 4)
A member of the Yovel collective has provided vocals on track 1.
V. and K. from VOAK have provided vocals and a guitar solo on track 3 respectively.
Sadistik: Vocals on track 3.

11 Days
Spectral Lore
11 Days is both a music album and a statement of protest against the policies of the European Union regarding refugees and migrants. Over 25,954 people have drowned in the Mediterranean Waters between 2014 and 2022 [Missing Migrants Project, [1]) trying to save themselves from war and famine or just hoping for a better future, and many of these deaths happened as a direct result of practices such as illegal push-backs, violence, intimidation and refusal or delay of rescue (which in turn cause refugees and migrants to take increasingly dangerous routes to avoid repression), policies themselves fueled by anti-immigrant ideology based in xenophobic sentiments and nationalism, that hides beneath the progressive and humanist rhetoric of leading European parties. At the same time, governments like Greece's which partakes to a large extent to this repression [2] persecute rescue organizations with false charges that are rejected by courts [3].
I have attempted to create a narrative of a fictional journey of survival through the Mediterranean sea using supernatural and mythic elements, based on a real event that has taken place [4]. I don't claim to be in a position to understand migrants and refugee's experience, so this is nothing more than a westerner's imagination based on reports, documentaries and media that I was able to find, with all the obvious limits and issues that this might have. Thanks to all the excellent musicians and artists that have aided me in creating this project. Open borders and free movement for all people.
This album was released 3 months prior to the state murder near the waters of Pylos, but is dedicated subsequently to its victims.