Fetching Pails
Dreamy Art Pop
About Fetching Pails
Fetching Pails debut album, Telekinesis for Beginners, was created in a silo; with Jill Townsend writing, performing and recording the full batch of songs herself. With her next set of creations, she set out to expand her collaborative efforts. She formed a new, scaled down, live band with Dillon Smith (Faster Is Faster, Kannon) and Andrew Core and together they began assembling songs through performance, experimentation and group think. The new era of Fetching Pails had emerged.
“Shattery” is the first recorded output of that effort and, while not a wholly different sound from Telekinesis, it’s a marked difference in experience. The track combines Townsend’s ethereal guitars and expressive vocals with a dark and moody soundscape that culminates into an immersive wash of sound. It’s enough to break you into little pieces and then scramble you back together again.