Keep more of your money

Just about everyone makes more money selling music and merch on Ampwall. Try it for free.

Our subscription helps us keep fees low and make the platform more sustainable so we'll be here for you in the long run.

Photo: Dylan DiLella/Pyrrhon by Caroline Harrison

$10 / year
5 hours of uploads

Cheaper than a bottle of water at tonight's show

Bulk rates available, hit us up
Witnesses - JoyThotcrimeMemorrhage
Negative BlissEd HerbersLow Cunning
woe legacies of frailty

Lowest fees in the biz

5% per transaction + PayPal's payment processing fees. We hate transaction fees.

What's it do?

Beautiful pages

Sell music & merch

Traffic analytics

Bulk uploads

Mailing lists

Community access

...and a lot more! Check out our features and roadmap.

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Frequently asked...

Independent music is too important for one single platform (we're talking about Bandcamp) to dominate everything, especially after being sold twice in two years. Besides, they've been around for a long time and haven't made any major upgrades in a very long time. It's time for some new energy.

But we're not at all interested in just being a Bandcamp clone. We have different ideas about what a music platform should be. We lay out a lot of reasons in our mission so read that for the full story.
Artists on Ampwall make more per transaction. Our fees are lower and our checkout process gives buyers the opportunity to help cover those low fees, which they do 75% of the time. Buying from Ampwall gets more money to the people you want to support.

Ampwall is a public benefit company owned by a team of artists and DIY lifers; Bandcamp has been sold twice to large corporations with unknown motivations.

Bandcamp is an e-commerce platform so all paths lead back to selling things. Ampwall's goal is to go beyond e-commerce, investing in tools that bring joy and build thriving music communities, even if people aren't selling. We believe in the dignity of independent music scenes.
Ampwall is independently funded with no outside investors and built by a team that essentially works for free. Our subscription approach asks everyone adding music to pay to cover their costs and help us keep the lights on.

Crucially, subscriptions help us minimize transaction fees. As a result we can send more money to artists who choose to sell. Our vision extends beyond just e-commerce; we want to build things that nurture communities and bring joy for its own sake, and minimizing our dependency on transaction fees lets us prioritize things beyond sales.
Yes! If you're just building a library, supporting artists, and want to get involved with your community, there is no subscription to use Ampwall. Of course, you're still welcome to subscribe if you want to support our mission.

You can create an account for yourself at any time for free. Once you've made one purchase of any amount, you'll be able to join our incredible Discord community, where you'll get to meet other music maniacs. You'll also have direct access to Ampwall's development team and the ability to weigh in on future changes to the platform.
Ampwall is under heavy development and some areas are more polished than others. This means that sometimes there are quirks or spots where we want to add some something so a feature can feel "more complete". Our happiest users are in our Discord server and enjoy being involved in the process, sharing experiences, making suggestions, and trying new stuff as it becomes available.

But make no mistake: there are more than 600 bands and artists using, sharing, and selling their work through Ampwall with thousands of registered fans. We stand behind our work all the way and will do everything we can to make sure you're happy and confident with the platform.
Visit the full FAQ for more.
Read about our mission.